What's New in Version 5.30 (Release Date: 2011-09-18)
- New: Portable Installation on USB;
- New: use first sentence or high lighted text as default filename;
- New: able to use OpenType Fonts in NJStar Communicator 3;
- Fix: Printer initialization timer not set problem;
- Fix: Display disappearing problem;
What's New in Version 5.25 (Release Date: 2009-05-18)
- Add a button on the Dictionary dialog box to show only the Common Words;
- Compatible with WINE when running on Linux or Apple Mac;
- Updated HELP using HTML;
- Improve: Display selections in Radical lookup if only strokes specified;
- Fix: Slow start when default network printer is not accessible.
What's New in Version 5.23 (Release Date: 2008-03-18)
- Compatible with Windows Vista;
- Fix: User Dictionary Saving Problem;
- Fix: Edit screen referesh lookup problem;
- Fix: Word 2007 RTF Paste problem;
What's New in Version 5.20 (Release Date: 2006-11-18)
- Lower Price
We have reduced the price for NJStar Japanese WP Pro Edition (was US$199, now Only US$159) and Pro Plus edition (was US$229, now Only US$189).
- Japanese Filename Support
On Windows 2000/XP/2003, NJStar now opens and saves files with Japanese characters in the name or on the path. Japanese filename is displayed properly on the title bar.
- Fix: Dictionary Update
Fixed the automatic update of ENAMDICT and Germany-English Dictionary.
- Fix: Popup Dictionary
Move the mouse cursor to popup dictionary window is now much easier and predictable.
- Fix: Copy Text from MSN Messenger
CJK characters in MSN chat messages are now correctly identified and converted.
- Other Minor Fixes
What's New in Version 5.10 (Release Date: 2006-02-18)
- Security Vulnerability Fix
A security firm has identified a security vulnerability in NJStar Japanese WP version 5.0x, which can be exploited by malicious people to compromise a user's system. All users of previous versions are recommended to update to the latest version.
- Improvements on Windows XP
User modified dictionary files are now saved in Windows Application Date folder, which is provided by windows for each user, and it's writable by the current user. The folder is at
C:\Documents and Settings\[your-user-name]\Application Data\NJStar\NJStar Japanese WP\
All previous versions saves the modified dictionary files in Program Files folder, such as
C:\Program Files\NJStar\NJStar Japanese WP\
but the folder is not writable by un-privileged users.
- Other Minor Fixes
We are always fixing and improving with user's feedback.
What's New in Version 5.01 (Release Date: 2004-11-18)
- Popup Dictionary
Version 5.01 has an enlarged dictionary and a new "Popup Dictionary" function. User can move mouse pointer to a character/phrase to look up its dictionary/translation instantly.
- New Language Study Functions
Version 5.01 has introduced a "study list" for vocabulary study.
- Easy Dictionary Online Update
Now updating your dictionary is just one single click.
- Verb Forms Generator:
allows user to generate all forms for a given Japanese verb.
- Input-bar Kanji Lookup (Romaji Input)
Move mouse over a Kanji word on input-bar brings up pop-up dictionary reading/meaning. Beginners will find this function very helpful in assisting them to input Kanji words.
- English Spelling Check
English spelling check function is conveniently included in Version 5.01 now. Many spelling related options, such as "check while type" and American/British English spelling, can also be set according to indivudual preference.
- Send Mail
The improved "Send Mail" function comes with its own SMTP email server, allowing user to email the current Japanese document without leaving NJStar program. The program can even automatically convert and send the document in GIF picture format by email.
Standard Features of Version 5.0
- Input Methods: KanaKanji, Romaji, Four-Corners, Strokes, Nelson index, Unicode, radical lookup and English-to-Japanese methods.
- Japanese-EnglishDictionary: Japanese to English and English to Japanese two-way fast lookup, with 100,000 entries in the dictionary.
- Learning Japanese: with KanjiInfo function; Display the dictionary before selecting the Kanji.
- Bilingual Menu: Display menu items in either English (default) or Japanese.
- Copy formated Japanese text between NJStar WP and Microsoft Word in either matefile-picture format or Unicode RTF format; Also open and/or save in RTF format.
- Save as HTML, Send email and copy text in different codes, Automatic wrap clipboard text.
- Character Sets: Supports Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) level 1 and level 2 character set, in EUC format.
- File Conversion: Reads and Writes EUC, Shift-JIS, New-JIS, Old-JIS and NEC-JIS. Exports to Graphics format for other Windows desktop publishing software.
- Fonts: Bitmap Fonts are supplied in Basic Version, NJStar True Type Japanese Fonts are supplied in Professional Versions.
- Full 32-bit Windows program, works under Windows 95/98/XP, Windows NT/2000/XP. No other software required. Comes with dockable toolbar, status bar, search bar, input bar and ruler.
- Character Formatting: Multiple font faces and point sizes; Multiple foreground and background colors; Character styles include Bold, Italic, Underline. Superscript & Subscript.
- Paragraph Formatting: Left Indentation, right Indentation, hanging Indentation, centering, left and/or right justification, double spacing.
- Tab Support: Left, right, center and decimal tab positions. Tabs can be shown on the ruler.
- Block Editing: Highlights block with mouse or keyboard, cut, paste or delete the block, multiple (currently 200) level undo. Fast two-way search and flexible text replacement.
- Embedded Picture: Import pictures from disk file or clipboard, supports Bitmap, Device independent bitmap and metafile formats.
- File Input and Output: Supports the import and export of normal Text format, Rich Text Format (RTF - compatible with WinWord) and NJStar native format. Unlimited file size using Windows’ virtual memory capability.
- Printing: Works on all printers that Windows supports; "Vertical Printing" capability.
- Double-Byte Editing: Automatic line wrap with consideration of punctuations. Full double-byte aware, no nonsense half Kanji. All operations are performed on full characters.
- Other Features: Page break and automatic repagination; Pages header and footer; Multiple columns format; Table support; Protected and hidden text.
Question:What are the differences between different versions (Basic, Pro, Pro+) of NJStar JWP?
Answer: The only difference is the number of FONTS included as indicated in the table below.

This package uses the EDICT and KANJIDIC dictionary files. These files are the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and are used in conformance with the Group's licence.